
IM BACK? HI GUYS!!!!!!!!!

Guess Who’s Back? A 15-Year-Old Bookworm with a New Library and an Anime Obsession!

Hey Admist readers,

Guess who’s back after a hiatus that lasted about as long as the last three seasons of your favorite anime? That’s right—it’s me! I’ve been MIA for nearly three years, but I’m finally back and ready to fill your feeds with all the bookish and anime goodness you’ve been missing. I know, I know, you missed me, and I missed you too! So, let’s catch up, shall we?

Life Update: Now in Pune!

So, where have I been all this time? Well, I moved to Pune! New city, new school, new adventures, and oh, did I mention… a new house with its own built-in library? It’s like I’ve leveled up in life. My birthday was on the 13th (yes, I’m a Gemini, proceed with caution), and I turned the big 1-5. Fifteen years old, can you believe it? I mean, I can barely believe it myself.

The Library of Dreams

The highlight of my new house? The built-in library, of course. Picture this: shelves upon shelves of glorious books, all waiting to be read. It’s like my own personal Hogwarts library, minus the restricted section (or is it?). I’ll share a photo if you guys are interested. Spoiler alert: it’s every bookworm’s dream come true.

The 1,473-Book Milestone

Speaking of books, I’ve read a total of 1,473 books in my 15 years on this planet. Yes, you heard that right. One thousand four hundred seventy-three! My latest obsession? Karen M. McManus. I’ve read every single book she’s written. Her thrillers are like a rollercoaster ride—fast, exhilarating, and full of twists. If you haven’t read them yet, what are you waiting for?

Thrillers Galore

I’m a sucker for a good thriller, and I’m always on the hunt for my next fix. Recently, I picked up “Five Survive,” “ABC Murders,” “End of Story,” and “Girl in Pieces.” These are on my to-read list, and I can’t wait to dive into them. Expect some epic reviews coming your way soon. Got any thriller recommendations? Drop them in the comments. Let’s make my TBR pile taller than Mount Everest!

Anime Adventures

Now, let’s talk about my latest addiction: anime. I’ve started watching it, and let me tell you, it’s a whole new world. I’m a newbie in the anime universe, so I’m open to all your suggestions. What should I watch next? Help a girl out here!

What to Expect from Admist

Now that I’m back, here’s what you can expect from this blog:

  • Book Reviews: Detailed, honest, and maybe a bit dramatic (because why not?).
  • Anime Discussions: From a newbie’s perspective. Prepare for some hilarious takes.
  • Life Updates: All about my new adventures in Pune, school life, and of course, my fabulous library.
  • Thriller Recommendations: Because there’s no such thing as too many thrillers.

Let’s Get This Party Started

I’ve missed you guys a lot, and I hope you’ve missed me too. Let’s make Admist a fun, interactive space where we can share our love for books and all things nerdy. Drop your thriller book suggestions in the comments. Let’s get this party started!

Until next time, stay awesome and keep reading (and watching anime, of course)!

With love and laughter,

Kaashvi ❤

2 thoughts on “IM BACK? HI GUYS!!!!!!!!!”

  1. how could you NOT share a photo of your bookshelf? also, 1,500 books is crazy. we’re basically the same age and i’ve barely read 200 xD

    how’s life in pune? and WELCOME BACK!!


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